Sunday, 30 June 2013

Be Physically Fit like Batman :)

Posted by: Deep Paul
Dept: Fitness

Batman is a comic-hero who lives in Gotham City and who protects the city from any threats. His real name is 'Bruce Wayne'. He has been known to fight the Joker or Bane who are notorious for been criminals.

This article may inspire you to get your ass moving to fitness...


Be flexible. In all of the 'Batman' Series of films, you can see that he is very flexible. He jumps a lot and does cart wheels in one of the films. He is also very good at running and dodging movements such as punches. To improve this you may:

1. Practice your gymnastics or any other skill which would make you more 'flexible' or 'bendable'.
2. You might try jumping, squatting or running which would also improve on your flexibility.

Try to be fit. You can try to be fit by doing:
1. Running, jogging, skipping, or any kind of physical activity.
2. You also might need to eat a lot of vegetables and/or eat less food and drink more water (remember that protein is necessary in gaining muscles so eat some meat as well).
3. A reminder that Batman is muscular and hence, you have to train or go to the gym a lot and lift up weights and/or do sit-ups really depending on your determination of being Batman.

Make your back straight. In the film, you never see Batman's back not straight and he doesn't have a hump back. You can:
Practice making your back straight everyday. Tell your family, relatives or friends that you have to walk in front of them so they can see whether your back is straight or not. Tell them to adjust it. Also making your back straight is very good for you so though this maybe hard, it has its own benefits.

In the end I'd like to quote a line: "Energy and persistence conquer all things."

Source: Google.
Poster's comment: Live healthy. Stay fit. All the best...... :)


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